7 Jan 2014

Masonry Cleaning Specialists – Toughest Part of Construction

Any building takes months to complete its construction. Before it is ready to live in, it is necessary to clean the mortar from both the interior and exterior. Cleaning the masonry is the toughest part of construction and can spoil the appearance if not done properly. The best way to maintain the smoothness of the wall is to clean the mortar before it becomes too hard. If you want to take pride in your construction, it is better to call masonry cleaning specialists. Since we have been working in the construction field for more than 20 years, we can offer you that satisfaction.

As a brickwork specialist serving the South London area, we have the kind of equipment that is necessary for masonry cleaning. Our staff knows when to use which tools and at what pressure and temperature. We also have the knowledge of the chemicals used in cleaning the messy construction job. Whether it is the dirt, mud, or mortar that has smeared all over the facade, we will take them out without damaging any brickwork.

Removing the dried mortar from the wall is a tricky job. It is not as simple as using some gentle detergent while washing dishes. It takes lots of effort and teamwork from pre-wetting to rinsing and cleaning the hard substance. Call us, since we have the team and resources for masonry cleaning work.

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