14 Feb 2012

Tools for stripping out paint

Tips for paint removal should only be taken by those with exterior painting experience.  Otherwise, it would be advisable to leave it to the professional painters.  Achieving a professional result requires time and skill; however by investing in good quality tools you can make work a lot easier and give yourself a better chance of getting the perfect finish. There are few tools like Paint scraper, Sandpaper, Heat gun, Power washer, Stiff bristled brushes, Sprayers which are widely used by professionals during paint removal. These tools do help in saving a lot of time and effort in the process. 

Paint Scraper: The best way to remove and old or peeling paint from walls and ceilings.

Sandpaper: The only way to get rid of any stubborn areas of paint that cannot be removed by scraper.

Heat gun: Heat guns are a high-tech tool for removing paint from wood surfaces. They are used to heat the paint as much as required to make it malleable and thereafter it can be scraped off with any stripping tool of your choice. Gloves should be worn during the heating process and one should make sure to direct the hot air away from one's hands. Care must be taken while choosing the stripping tool as it should be compatible with the heat gun so that it can resist higher temperatures.

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