24 Nov 2011

Precautions for Paint Removal

The process of paint removal in buildings, especially historical ones, have incurred a great damage and high cost in the past and continues to happen even now. Because of this painstaking process, many regrettable experiences have occurred which led to major reconstruction, contract cancellation and in some cases, filing of a lawsuit. 

The cause of costly damage was attributed to the use of blow torches, scars caused by sandblasting or the use of rough mechanical devices. 

Some layers of historic paints were accidentally removed due to the use of rotary sanders and rotary wire strippers. 

Some property owners were injured by inhaling the toxic lead vapors or particles from the paint which was being removed. 

The paint removal system involves higher cost due to longer timeframe and labor. Removing paint from large areas of the building needs professional expertise. If no experts are hired to do the job, the removal process can become unmanageable and may produce low quality results.

Therefore, a careful study on the time and labor costs must be done depending on the scope of work before the final procedure on paint removal is applied. It is highly recommended to hire the services of qualified professionals to do the job due to expensive materials and   special equipment needed which they can provide. In this way, the project will entail lower cost, shorter time, less damage or none at all.

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